1st Annual #NLRNextLevel Conference: A Recap

Over the course of two days, NLR leaders, land professionals, and team members came together to interact with one another, collaborate on ideas, and learn more about the new elements driving the company’s rapid growth at the #NLRNextLevel conference.
The conference commenced on Tuesday morning with a warm welcome from Aaron Graham, NLR president, and the presentation of the 2016 Awards.
2016 Awards
Rising Star: Nicholas Ardis
Alabama Top Producer: Clint Flowers, ALC
Arkansas Top Producer: Jeramy Stephens, ALC
Colorado Top Producer: Devin Dickey
Georgia Top Producer: Tommy Stroud, Jr., ALC
Kansas Top Producer: Jeremy Oehlert
Missouri Top Producer: Ron Charity
Nebraska and Iowa Top Producer: Ryan Schroeter, ALC
North Carolina Top Producer: Cailein Campbell
South Carolina Top Producer: Robert Waddell
Tennessee Top Producer: Thomas Krajewski
Texas Top Producer: Rick Gaul
Top Gun: Clint Flowers, ALC

The conference continued with a message from Jason Walter, NLR CEO, and several presentations by different departments in the company.
Ford Stokes, NLR CMO, and the NLR Creative team highlighted how it will provide NLR’s 165+ agents with next-level marketing support in video production and blog creation, among others. Agents who had contributed a blog leading up to the conference also received a token of appreciation, an 8” x 8” canvas with the featured image and blog title on it.
Ann Gaffigan, NLR CTO, followed up with an extremely informative presentation on several new back-end system features that will better serve agents with their comps sales sheets and other tasks.
After lunch, Tamara Bunte, sales coach, shared how investing in oneself can lead to greater success. Her presentation gave land professionals a closer look at her coaching process and the results it generates. A few of the agents currently working with her made a special appearance in a video featured during her presentation.
Aaron then led the first panel of the #NLRNextLevel conference featuring some of NLR’s Top Producers.

The day wrapped up with an update on NLR’s Commercial department by Nathan Fabrick, VP of corporate development, and transitioned into an uplifting session by Mike Savage, results trainer and coach, where he discussed how to develop successful behavior. Mike ended his presentation with a fun activity by getting everyone in the room to stand in a circle, join hands and see how each person’s “electricity” affected one another. He closed with a motivating Paul “Bear” Bryant quote.
This is the beginning of a new day. God has given me this day to use as I will. I can waste it or use it for good. What I do today is important because I am exchanging a day of my life for it. When tomorrow comes, this day will be gone forever. Leaving something in its place I have traded for it. I want it to be a gain, not loss – good not evil. Success, not failure, in order that I shall not forget the price I paid for it.”
After a day packed with valuable information, conference attendees were invited to a welcome reception where they mingled with friends and peers.
Day two of the conference opened with a powerful presentation by Jason Burbage, NLR executive VP, titled “Dominate Life – How I found Success Through Jesus.” Jason shared his inspirational story and how it has translated into his drive and passion today.
After a new company chaplain was introduced by Jason Walter, a second panel led by Aaron featuring more of NLR’s Top Producers was held.

With another inspirational session by Mike and Tamara discussing the top 10 skills of top income earners, the conference closed with a motivational reciting of The Husker Prayer led by Aaron, former All-American center for the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Huskers.
The Husker Prayer
Dear Lord,
In the battles we go through in life, we ask for a chance that’s fair.
A chance to equal all your stripes, a chance to do or dare.
If we shall win, let it be by the code, with our faith and honor held high,
If we shall lose, let us stand by the road and cheer the winners as they go by.
Day by day,
Getting better and better.
A team that can’t be beat, Wont be beat!”
The First Annual NLR Conference was well attended with over 70 agents present. Overall, #NLRNextLevel was filled with great ideas and amazing teamwork.
Thank you to all who came, and hope to see you next year!