Interview With California Land Broker Bernard Johnson
We are so excited to have expanded west this year and added California to our growing list of states we serve in. Our new California office is located in the state’s second largest city, San Diego, where Bernard Johnson is the Principal Land Broker. Bernard has extensive knowledge and experience in both private land development, public government agency redevelopment, and general real estate brokerage.
He has over 30 years of experience in the negotiation of commercial retail/light industrial, several department of transportation agencies, utility companies with electric transmission, oil/gas/solar, and conducting general commercial real estate brokerage transactions for private developers and public entities, nationwide. He also holds the SRWA designation, the highest designation from the International Right of Way Association “IRWA”, as well as certifications in Right of Way Negotiations (R/W-NAC) and Right of Asset Property Management (R/W-AMC). In this Q & A with Bernard, he shares a little bit on how a variety of things affect infrastructure in his state.
Q: Why is it so important that America invests in its infrastructure?
A: Anything that is man-made requires inevitable maintenance and improvement. It is natural and expected that as time passes and cities continue to experience growth, their existing infrastructure will age and deteriorate.
Because infrastructure is the backbone of this country– and every major industry is reliant upon it–America must be willing to invest.
Q: What are some fundamental changes we should expect to see in energy, infrastructure, and transportation in CA in the next 5 to 10 years?
A: The demand for alternative forms of energy is higher than ever. As the production of biomass facilities and solar panels within the states grows to meet this demand, the US will better positioned to dominate these markets locally and globally.
Furthermore, as our society transitions towards more sustainable forms of transportation infrastructure, such as light rails, people will experience mobility without heavily relying upon roads and automobiles.
Q: How will the CA High-Speed Rail affect the lives of everyday Californians?
A: With fewer people commuting on roads and highways, congestion in major cities will decline. We will be able to move more people, faster, and in a more reliable way.
The California High-Speed Rail will create jobs, some shorter term, but many long term. It will attract tourism throughout the state and restore the economy of the central valley by ushering in new development.
Q: Why do you think some people oppose it?
A: More obvious reasons related to costs and uncertainty regarding whether or not the rail is economically viable. Some oppose the routes that have been chosen, others harbor environmental concerns, while many simply oppose change that they cannot control.
Q: What major sustainable project(s) are you looking forward to seeing/working on in 2018?
A: California’s long-awaited WaterFix project, The Houston Bullet Train, and more high-speed rail projects to come.
If you’ve got more questions, contact Bernard Johnson here!