Land Real Estate Survey 2022 Results
“Both investors and urban professionals ran for rural land in a big way in 2021, albeit for different reasons, which made for a very good year for land sales, with record-breaking volume throughout the year,” stated Jason Walter, CEO of National Land Realty, in this AP News article. The article goes on to detail the results of National Land Realty’s second annual land real estate survey.
This survey is given to all National Land Realty agents and brokers to gauge their feelings on the industry’s performance over the past year, as well as their thoughts on the year to come. This is a voluntary survey that depends on the initiative of our agents and brokers for results. The survey helps us understand how our agents and brokers saw the past year and allows us to tailor our expectations for the new year based on the expertise of our many agents and brokers.
This article from AP News examines the results of the land real estate survey and details all of the growth that the company saw in 2021, as well as the optimistic outlook held by many agents and brokers for the future.