Alabama Baiting: Is it Good or Bad?
As you may already know, Alabama recently made it legal to hunt over bait. The bill that would allow Alabama hunters to use bait for deer and feral hogs passed the House in 2017 but died in the Senate. However, after four long years, the bill finally passed and became law.
This topic of baiting has been much debated in my circle of hunting friends. While the opinions vary on being for or against, it seems to raise more questions than anything. Questions such as the following: Does it take the “sport” out of hunting? How many feeding stations should I have? Is it any different than sitting over a planted field than sitting over a pile of bait?
For a lot of hunters, baiting is just another tool in their arsenal. It’s a tactic they use to achieve a successful hunting season. They will plant acres of green fields, soybeans, or corn on their farms and then place stands around the planted fields to increase their chances. Others will strategically place piles of food in one place to lure wildlife in. There are other hunters with a different view who believe that baiting takes the “sport” out of hunting.
The hunting world can oftentimes feel very competitive. We love to compare antlers to antlers, feeling better about ourselves if our antlers are bigger. Whether you use bait or not, we have to remember that hunting is not a competition. Hunting is a brotherhood and the land we use to hunt is a gift to enjoy and make memories on. We must keep the ultimate goal in mind, to enjoy and be good stewards of the land that we’ve been given.
Have more questions about baiting? What to bait? When to bait? How much to bait? Click the link below to listen to a podcast with Josh Kisner from Big and J Long Range Attractants.