A Walk in the Woods
Remember the days when you had to look at the map you kept in the glove compartment of your car to get somewhere you’d never been before? Or when you had to look at your compass during your hunting trip to know which direction you were heading in?
Technology has come a long way, and a large part of what makes it so exciting is how it’s always evolving. But as much as technology has advanced, there are still some drawbacks. While your favorite GPS app is invaluable during that hectic morning commute or cross-country road trip, it’s easy to never really feel relaxed.
The nostalgia of simpler times settles in and you begin to reminisce on memories of singing songs in the car with your family to cure the boredom of a long trip. Or the laughs you shared with friends after looking at a paper map on a hike and realizing you just went in a huge circle about three times. Those days might be long gone, but that doesn’t mean you can’t go “off the grid” when you need some time to unwind.
With the temperatures dropping and the leaf colors changing, now is a great time to take a walk down your favorite trail; without music in your ears to distract you from the sounds of the woods, by seeing the trees firsthand and not through the lens of your phone, and without constant email and social media updates.
And if you have children or grandchildren, take them along! They will learn from your example how amazing it can be to disconnect from technology and reconnect with nature. You can make a simple homemade compass with them; after all, sometimes phone batteries die or we wind up in areas with no service. You can gather leaves and other priceless wonders from your walk and make a nature journal they can contribute to with their own writing and drawings as you discover new places.
Wherever you live, no matter the season, there’s a world waiting to be discovered right outside your door. Get out there and enjoy it!
Read more: 8 Fun Things To Do With Your Family on Your Land This Fall